
Welcome to my blog on Sports Events in Glasgow. Keep an eye on this blog as several posts will be published informing you of the Sport Events held in the Glasgow area.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Glasgow School Of Sport

The first school dedicated to sporting excellence was set up in 1999 and is funded by the Scottish government. It is situated at Bellahouston Academy being the first in Glasgow and the only school in Great Britain to help up and coming sports stars to become better at their chosen sport.
The pupils follow a balanced curriculum including English and Maths but receive coaching within the school day. The pupils will receive specialist coaching from coaches who have competed and/or coached at national level in their sport and who are qualified with top coaching awards.
The School of Sport has 5 main specialisms ; athletics, badminton, gymnastics, hockey and swimming. Applications to become part of the School of Sport are accepted from any pupil throughout Scotland. Over 60 pupils from the School of Sport have represented Scotland with many competing in the Commonwealth Games.  The School provides pupils to not only focus on the important aspects but it lets them concentrate on becoming a better athlete and improving on the things they are most interested in.

Scottish Golf Show

     The Scottish Golf Show is the UK's biggest golf show and it will be held in the SECC, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow for 8th-10th of April for the 6th year running. It is an event that no serious golfer should miss, whether they are male, female, junior or senior the Scottish golf show has something for every type of golfer. It will feature one of Scotland's largest retail golf shops, stands from over 100 top exhibitors, short game and putting practice areas, free lessons from professional golfers and many more. The stands will be from exhibitors such as PGA Scotland, Ping, Callaway Golf, Scottish Golf Union and over 90 more.

     The tickets are priced at £10.00 which is not expensive at all, it is a reasonable price for golfers who are very serious about their sport. The tickets are available at ticketsoup online

Race For Life

Tesco hold a very famous running event called the Race For Life. They run this to raise money for Cancer Research UK. It is an event solely for woman's participation and it is held in many different locations. It will be held in Glasgow Green on Sunday 5th Of June this year and is available for any female to take part. Participants have the option to walk, jog or run the course and it is also suitable for wheelchair users with assistance. The main purpose of the event is to raise money to help beat cancer. Participants receive a welcome pack for the event including a back sign which they can use to illustrate the reason they are taking part. This can be very emotional as their are all different circumstances written on the signs. Participants will also receive a running number which they have to wear on the day. Other than that, the girls can dress as they please, many people decide to dress up on the day as this is a way to raise more money for Cancer Research UK.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Women's 10k

Glasgow hosts a very popular women's 10k every year. The race will take place this year on Sunday 8th of May at 10am and is available for all abilities. The race will start from Bellahouston Park and costs £20 to enter. The deadline for entering this years race is Friday 23rd of April in order for the race packs to be sent out to participants in time. Many of the woman who run will raise money for their chosen charity. Breast Cancer Care is a major charity that a lot of the woman raise money for by running the 10k. By raising money for Breast Cancer Care they provide the runner with many things such as a running vest to run with on the day and to keep, a fundraising pack to help them raise money and newsletters which provide advice for participants. The race can be seen as a fun way of raising money as the women have to opportunity to take part in fancy dress.