
Welcome to my blog on Sports Events in Glasgow. Keep an eye on this blog as several posts will be published informing you of the Sport Events held in the Glasgow area.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Glasgow School Of Sport

The first school dedicated to sporting excellence was set up in 1999 and is funded by the Scottish government. It is situated at Bellahouston Academy being the first in Glasgow and the only school in Great Britain to help up and coming sports stars to become better at their chosen sport.
The pupils follow a balanced curriculum including English and Maths but receive coaching within the school day. The pupils will receive specialist coaching from coaches who have competed and/or coached at national level in their sport and who are qualified with top coaching awards.
The School of Sport has 5 main specialisms ; athletics, badminton, gymnastics, hockey and swimming. Applications to become part of the School of Sport are accepted from any pupil throughout Scotland. Over 60 pupils from the School of Sport have represented Scotland with many competing in the Commonwealth Games.  The School provides pupils to not only focus on the important aspects but it lets them concentrate on becoming a better athlete and improving on the things they are most interested in.

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