
Welcome to my blog on Sports Events in Glasgow. Keep an eye on this blog as several posts will be published informing you of the Sport Events held in the Glasgow area.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Race For Life

Tesco hold a very famous running event called the Race For Life. They run this to raise money for Cancer Research UK. It is an event solely for woman's participation and it is held in many different locations. It will be held in Glasgow Green on Sunday 5th Of June this year and is available for any female to take part. Participants have the option to walk, jog or run the course and it is also suitable for wheelchair users with assistance. The main purpose of the event is to raise money to help beat cancer. Participants receive a welcome pack for the event including a back sign which they can use to illustrate the reason they are taking part. This can be very emotional as their are all different circumstances written on the signs. Participants will also receive a running number which they have to wear on the day. Other than that, the girls can dress as they please, many people decide to dress up on the day as this is a way to raise more money for Cancer Research UK.

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